Why is wine healthy?
Anybody who has consumed wine in moderation has felt its benefits. Everybody has heard of the French paradox, as the French should have the highest rate of heart disease patients in the world due to the large consumption of full fat cheeses. Reality is completely different - their rate is among the lowest. The reason for this is regular wine consumption. The Irish consume the same amount of alcohol, but they have a high rate of heart disease patients, higher than average. This is explained by the fact that they consume strong spirits and not wine.
What is it in wine that is good for our health? A lot of things, for example selenium, vitamins C, A, B etc., but the most important are the polyphenols. The ones in red wine have a higher impact, but white wine contains some which are absent from red wine. Red wine polyphenols, especially resveratrol, kill most cancer cells, strengthen the heart, clean the blood vessels from fat deposits, strengthen the blood vessel walls and help heal the damage on them.
Besides these, regular moderate consumption of wine prevents the formation of cancer, protects the heart, prevents diabetes, protects the brain, strengthens the immune system, helps slimming and is beneficial to general mood and wellbeing. .
Let us remind you that our red wine resveratrol content is 17.6 ml/l. The results of the analysis of our red wine at the Chemical Faculty in Belgrade is available on the pageThe content analysis of the specific phenolic compounds in our wines.. The test analyzed 15 substances besides resveratrol, strong oxidants very beneficial for our health and in high content in our wines.
Wine can warm the soul if used moderatelyJohann Wolfgang Goethe
writer & philosopher
The content analysis of our wines.