A visit to the renowned Zivkovic Winery in Klicevac near Pozarevac
The opening of the inspiringly styled wine tasting hall of the renowned Zivkovic Winery in Klicevac near Pozarevac, which esthetically and functionally matches the international standards and criteria, was a reason to visit this best known temple to the “divine beverage” in the whole of Branicevo. We are certain that this venue, intended for subtle wine tasting, will become a mecca for the foodies and their sophisticated palates, who seek gourmet bites accompanied by the complementing nectar masterfully created from the selected grape varieties.
In this corner of the Danube valley, on the gentle slopes near the biggest European river, the Danube, in the lands of the legendary Voivode of the first Serbian Rising, Milenko Stojkovic, lies the village of Klicevac, also known for the traces of civilization from all historical epochs. Zivkovic family, widely recognized for quality winemaking, lives and works on the edge of the fertile plain of Stig, among the vines and fruit trees.”Zivkovic Winery” dates back to the XIX century. Their vineyards are situated on the gentle hill above the Danube with an almost ideal geographical position for winemaking. Zivkovic family has been long dedicated to the production of white wines such as “Rhine Riesling” and “Chardonnay“, then red wines such as “Cabernet Sauvignon“ and “Merlot“, combined wines such as “Cabernet Merlot” and “Cabernet Barrique” and dessert wines such as “Vermouth wine” or “Karlovac Bermet”. The scale of success of the family business is such that the Winery is now in intense negotiations about exporting wine to English market.
On occasion of the construction of the grape processing facility and the opening of the Wine tasting hall, the Mayor of Pozarevac, Miomir Ilic, his deputy Vukica Vasic, City council Chairman Zarko Pivac and his deputy Milic Jovanovic and a group of associates visited Zivkovic Winery and were introduced to the details of the production facilities.
Serbia being a country rich in wine regions, the family business of Zivkovic Winery is one of many examples of successful enterprises which Branicevo District has.
Pozarevac City Council will continue to support local enterprise, logistically as well as financially, and I hope that family Zivkovic will be an example for other producers. This family has invested a lot of effort in the development of domestic wines, has sacrificed a lot, and finally has achieved great success in their business. On this occasion I would like to encourage our fellow citizens to be braver in starting up their own businesses, because the development of our city does not depend solely on the energy sector, but also on the private enterprise and agriculture. I would also like to mention that our City Council has approved the spatial plan of the City of Pozarevac until 2022. We think that, besides Kostolac power plant, we need to invest into the expansion of agricultural areas, which are abundant in this part of the country. Fruit plantations, vegetable growing and winemaking were profitable businesses in the past, and I hope they will be so in the future as well, said Ilic.
“Zivkovic Winery” in Klicevac, which produces us to 20.000 liters of quality wine from their own vineyards spreading over 5 hectares, is responsible for the renown of its village, but also of the city of Pozarevac. The City Council Chairman Zarko Pivac said that an interest in the family based private enterprise is growing in Pozarevac area, substantially encouraged by the measures of the local government.
- This year again, Pozarevac City Council has signed self-employment contracts with people listed in the Pozarevac branch of the National employment service of Serbia. To start up their own business, users are entitled to a stimulation of 200.000 RSD. I hope these funds will grow in the future… Klicevac is particularly interesting for the tourists who come here. Recently, we have met French tourists who, after tasting the products in Zivkovic Winery and finding out more about the history of the area, promised to return, said Pivac.
All the members of the Zivkovic family take care of the quality, freshness, color and taste of the wine. Local government has always had understanding for the self-initiative of the entrepreneurs and for the stimulation of private enterprise not only in the financial sense, but also in the matters of expertise. Thanks to the Tourist Organization, “Zivkovic Winery” has taken part in many fairs throughout Serbia, and has become recognizable outside the Branicevo District. The owner, Miroslav Zivkovic, thinks that the newly built grape processing facility and wine tasting hall will increase production and raise the quality of service to a higher level.
- I would like to thank the ministries in charge for granting us stimulation to set up vineyards and buy equipment necessary for the winemaking… The state helped the grape production and the wine production and this has reached “Zivkovic Winery” as well. Now our family, besides winemaking, is turning to fruit production. Besides the existing 5.5 hectares of vineyards in our possession, we plan to plant another 2 hectares of fruit trees. I have to stress that the main problem for the wine production now is the export. I think it is still lagging behind, said the owner of the Winery, Miroslav Zivkovic.
Wine is one of the most civilized things in the world and the most important natural thing in the world that has reached perfection, and it offers a string of pleasures and gratitude, unlike probably any other sensual thing.Ernest Hemingway
writer & journalist
Content analysis of our wines